Learning Objectives

At the end of the second year, as measured by written examination and observed interviews, students will:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the myths and stereotypes related to older people and “ageism”; the diversity among the elderly; the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration; a compassion for individuals providing day-to-day care to the elderly; and the appreciation for the importance of maximizing function rather than just focusing on disease.
  2. Describe the basic concepts of demography and epidemiology of aging; molecular, cellular, genetic and biopsychosocial theories of aging; “normal aging” versus disease at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organisms levels, and the role of failure of homeostatic mechanisms; anatomic and histologic changes associated with aging and age-related disease; the physiology of aging; the pharmacology of aging; nutrition and aging; as well as sexuality and the aging individual.
  3. Describe the ethical issues that are aging related, advance directives, decision-making capacity, euthanasia, assisted-suicide, health-care rationing, pain management and end-of-life care.
  4. Identify and demonstrate the “best practices” of geriatric communication. Learning Objectives for Clinical Geriatric Curriculum

At the end of this clinical rotation in geriatrics, as measured by written examination and observed clinical interview, 4th year students will successfully be able to:

  1. List the common geriatric syndromes and conditions, including risk factors, causes, signs, symptoms, differential diagnoses, treatments and preventive strategies.
  2. Define important psychosocial issues of aging, including those related to retirement, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, under-reporting of symptoms and illnesses, elder abuse and neglect, home safety, community resources, and adaptation to alternative living situations such as long-term care facilities
  3. Identify the important concepts of pathophysiology and issues in common diseases of older people.
  4. Compare primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies for older adults.
  5. Demonstrate through observed clinical interview the ability to appropriately diagnose, evaluate, and prescribe treatment and preventive strategies for older adults.
  6. Demonstrate through video interview the best communicative practices with older patients.